CDX Distance Learning Exercise #1 is a guided worksheet assignment for a 60k vehicle service. Students can complete the exercise remotely, from home, using Motologic.com.
In the classroom, students are usually judged on their individual ability to successfully learn new material. They rely on their own know-how and self-discipline for everything from studying to passing tests.
As an instructor, your goal is to make sure your students are fully prepared for future employment.
What do your students need to succeed as skilled technicians?
You might be quick to list a series of technical skills, but what about employability skills?
Do you know how to customize your online CDX course or use the gradebook? Do you want to make sure your students know how to log in and redeem an access code?
No matter what courseware you rely on and how you use it to enhance your classroom, you may have questions about things like logging into your account and submitting tasksheets.
Your students don’t like reading about regulations, but that doesn’t mean they can ignore or forget about them.
With the increasing popularity and availability of hybrid and electric vehicles, it’s almost inevitable that your students will encounter them during their careers as automotive technicians.
The second edition of Fundamentals of Automotive Maintenance and Light Repair is here! Are you wondering what new things you can expect from this updated and expanded version?
From shop equipment to high-tech vehicle systems, learning how to safely work with electrical systems and equipment is a fundamental skill for today’s automotive students.
In the previous post on teaching students about shop safety, we discussed how to reinforce safety practices around vehicle lifts.