Explore the TOC: Ethanol and Flex Fuel

by  CDX Learning Systems     Oct 15, 2021
Ethanol and Flex Fuel

Ethanol and Flex FuelPreview the Table of Contents from the latest CDX Technician Update: Ethanol and Flex Fuel

The Ethanol Flex Fuel Technician Update series was designed to prepare technicians of different backgrounds from an entry to journeyman level. Utilizing this content, the learner will discover the differences of ethanol blended gasoline, use in Flex Fuel Vehicles, and understand some of the common misconceptions regarding ethanol blended gasoline. Additionally, the content will assist technicians in learning to diagnose and service a variety of vehicles that can run on varying, higher levels of ethanol blended gasoline.

This text is organized by outcome-based objectives to improve instructional clarity and adaptability in a more readable format that is easily explained and discoverable.

Topics covered in the Ethanol Flex Fuel Technician Update:

  • Gasoline, octane ratings, and their effect on engine operation
  • A timeline of ethanol in the US from 1900 to today’s modern production vehicles
  • Flex Fuel Vehicle identification, characteristics, and differences from regular production vehicles
  • Ethanol requirements for vehicle use and storage
  • Ethanol blended testing techniques
  • Multiple case studies that will help a technician identify, diagnose and service common ethanol concerns

Preview the Ethanol Flex Fuel Technician Update today:

Explore the Table of Contents


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To learn more about the Ethanol Flex Fuel Technician Update and it's ordering options, click here.

Questions? Please contact your CDX Account Manager.