Virtual and Hybrid Automotive Training: Car Component Scavenger Hunt

by  CDX Learning     Aug 12, 2021

Struggling to come up with new and enriching content for hybrid automotive training or your virtual automotive classes?

We took the time to chat with CDX automotive training instructor and subject matter expert Lee Berger to hear about some of the creative ways he has been successfully running a hybrid classroom throughout this past year.

The biggest challenge in adapting to teaching virtually or implementing distance learning, Lee states, was “Trying to give [students] some kind of a meaningful shop or lab experience when they aren’t physically here.”

Tackling this challenge headfirst, Lee’s approach was to provide his hybrid automotive classes with substitute activities and exercises that still give students application and real-world reference to automotive training material, just as an in-person shop or lab experience would.

The exercise below, created by Lee, is designed to support a virtual classroom, work in a hybrid auto training setting, or supplement an online auto training program.

Stay tuned for more exercises from this series and click here to see them all.


Car Component Scavenger Hunt

Virtual Activity

Hybrid Classroom Friendly

Tools Used



Google Slides

Adjust template to desired area of study

Allot points per slide or participation grade


Assignment Format: Slide Show Document

Download Template Here*


Students will need to download and edit the slide document to complete this assignment. Each slide names a different component of a car, and has a two-part response to be completed:

Part A: In your own words, describe what this component of the car does.

Part B: Add a photo of the listed component to the slide.

The versatility of this assignment is that students at home can take pictures of a car at home or use online images, while students doing this activity in the classroom can grab photos of cars in the lab.


When students finish the assignment, they then share their edited document with the instructor (Set up a file submission assignment easily within CDX Online). Instructors can then review student responses, make comments where necessary, and give students a chance to remedy any incorrect answers.

Lee explains that the goal of this assignment in his classroom, “is to have [students] learn from the activity, not necessarily produce a score.” Points can be allotted to parts A and B of each slide, or the exercise can simply be graded with a participation score.

*The downloadable template lists appropriate components for a Steering and Suspension unit, but can easily be modified to fit the desired areas of automotive study.


Looking for more resources for your virtual automotive classes? Check out our Distance Learning Blog Series for downloadable exercises to share with your class.

Complete with robust online components, CDX Online is the perfect resource to implement digital instruction and apply remote learning solutions to your automotive training curriculum. To learn more about our resources for your classroom, click the option for Online Access on many of our product catalog pages below. 

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Please contact your CDX Account Manager to discuss adoption of CDX Online for your classroom today.